Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Christmas time is such a great time!

Me and Little chirs on christmas eve....i love the out kept him warm......

This is me on christmas day at 23 weeks with Neylin.....this is my new top his mom gave me....and my new hair cute...not the greatest picture of that but yeah......

This is billy on christmas and i was playing with the color on my new camera...

Heidi in her new green sweater

Christmast was alot of fun we got to see all the family and everyone was happy and had a good time....we went to my parents house in the morning and got to spend some good time there...Rachel got a video camera and lexis got a art stand and billy got TN vols pj's, and i got clothes and baby clothes and we can't for get the 60 piece sliver wear set my dad got yeah it's great...
Then we went to his parents house and we got to see the brother and wives and thier kids.....we got to eat and there was veagn food for billy....i got a sewing machine!!! it was cool also grannie made qulits for everyone and had thier names put on them...she spelt my wrong it was cute....i also got more clothes for both me and that was great....
All in all it was a great time to get together and spend time with mom called and i talked to my brother. We got all the kids in the same house for a moment. family is so important and i think we all re learned that this year.... Oh and happy 1st birthday littly chris!!!

Friday, December 21, 2007

I got a new camera!!

Just look at that bad boy.....isn't it great billy got it for me and its the coolest thing...just think of of all the things i can do and what i will be doing for 6 weeks when im out on

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Neylin's first home video

Monday, December 3, 2007

Neylins first pictures

This is Neyling looking right at you first the head then the body

Yepper it's a boy!!!1

this is him sucking on his thumb

The whole body at 6 inches long