Sunday, November 23, 2008

family pix

Friday, November 21, 2008

White stuff....

There was cold white stuff on my car this morning. When i left my house it was 28 degrees out. This white stuff floated around the sky until i got to work. Is it that time of the year yet shall i say it .....I think it was snow!!!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

6 month check up

Dax went in for his 6 month check up and shots. I wish i could have been there. i lov to comfort him after his shots. He did soooo well yesterday too this time he wasn't craby when we got home he playied and had fun last night. He's a healthy growing boy....and last night he sat there and took his bandaids off it was too funny he took them off and wanted to play with them...gross

Dax 6 months

19 pounds
28.5 inches

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

My big project for my 100th post

Can you believe it this is my 100th post. It came fast as i have alot to say and share. So for this spacial occasion i had a big project i started last weekend. Im not fully finished yet as i have a husband and a baby as well as a dog to take care

So last year a friend gave us this bed:

Its not the cutest thing but i had an idea in my head. So after 4 spray paint cans and gathering stuff around the house i had this is what i came up with.

Now i have my night stand out side still drying that's being painted black and give me another month and the dresser will be black too. i can't believe what a difference some new color gives the now is the hard part. The living room is black white and red the bed room is black white and __________. I like light green or yellow or blue im not sure. As soon as i find what color i want im going to add some pictures and some flowers in those buckets on the wall and get a nice comforter.

So what do you think?