Monday, December 28, 2009

Christmas time is a special time...


So this last week was alot of fun. I got off work early on Wednesday and off to the day care to pick up my little man. He had a Dr. app that day. He no longer has two ear infections and passed his hearing test. YES no tubes! So I went to pick him up and it was nap time. He just right up and came running to me it was so funny. He gave all his teachers their gifts and we left for some last min shopping. We went to Bath and body works and he was such a good helper. He even carried the bag up on his shoulder like a big purse it was so cute. When we got home we finished wrapping all the gifts.

This was a pretty normal day. Billy actually got off this year so it was nice to just hang out. We went to my parents house later that night and we played the wii. So normally Me and Billy can't wait. Every year we always open our gifts on Christmas eve. I told him earlier that day that I didn't want to this year. So we stayed up all night watching old family guy dvds that we've seen a hundred times. So it was like 11pm and I told Billy that I was bored and that he needed to open just one gift. So he debated with me and he did. I had gotten him the new Family Star wars movie "Something something something Darkside" So we stayed up watching that all night.
Friday--(Christmas morning)

This is where it gets fun. We woke Dax up and fed him and then let him get to the tree. He first saw his box of mega blocks. It's mostly ramps that connect to the top of the box where there are a few buttons that make noise.

We got to opening and with pictures posted below Dax got a small magnadoodle, Mr. Potato head, 4 books, a little people person, an ugly Christmas sweater. Grandma Rosie got him a cute jumper.

We then headed over to Billy's parents house. We ate and talked and exchanged gifts. Dax got a puzzle and a talking book. Billy got some thermals and something else. I got a messenger bag. It was alot of fun. Plus she made me hot wings. Oh yummy....

We then took off to my parents house. The girls were so excited and waited all day to see Dax. They both helped him open gifts they had a blast. He got a cute puppy mp3 player and a laptop looking thing that makes noise, and two new out fits, oh and his micophone. He was so scared of it at first but now he just sings in it. It's too funny.

Billy got two bow ties, a new purple sweater, and some work out stuff. I got two hoilster shirts, some other shirts, hand bands, first aid kit, come cute earrings, a picture frame and some other stuff that I can't remember right now.

One of My Holister's Tops

The new church shoes I got Billy

The sweater my parents got him.

The bow ties

I made this for my dad!

All in all me and Billy did a lot of talking and this really was a great Christmas. We didn't need to spend alot of money we just needed to be together. We didn't spend alot of money on any one including each other. We just bought a car and that was something we considered under the tree too. But to see how excited and happy Dax was and the family was great.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Pictures with Santa

So this year I was asked to take the pictures at the Church party with Santa. All the kids had alot of fun. I help set up the tree and tables. While waiting for Santa to get there we decorated sugar cookies. As I'm helping Dax I look over to see in slow motion my camera my Nikon D80 fall face first on to the floor. My heart stopped. But it's all good everything is in shape. That was a close call. Now Dax has had an off day his ear infection has been bothering him some. He has also gotten in this stage where he's being a mommy's boy. Also hitting when he gets mad. Even though it's way to cute when he does it wetry to tell him it's wrong. So with that being said here are a few of the pictures I took. Now I'm no pro and I can tell you that these are not my best work but they are still cute. These have been photo shopped a tad for they were way to dark. For some reason they really really didn't want the over head lights on so this was the best I could do. (yes, I know I could use some practice in indoor photography)

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Thanksgiving, boo!, trees

Ok so it's been CRAZY at work these past 4 weeks so I finially get to blog.

So it's time to take down our flying ghost.

And replace them with christmas orniments. Dax just loves them.

We had so much fun on Thanksgiving. We went and spent the morening/afternoon with my family. We helped cook, clean, Dax slept the whole time...

Then we headed to Billy's parents house. Shelby got her braces off after having them for 3 years. We got to see granny and the boys. It was a really good time. And below you can see my child's new thing. Climb in everything. He's gets in my cubords, gets in her dresser thing, hides in boxes so after looking threw my dad's closet I found a bag with two play tents in it. So we set them up and took one home. The boyish looking one.

Later that weekend we put our tree up. I think it's looking a little lame this year I don't know what else it needs but they are all plastic as for Dax is already playing with them. And GREAT news!!! I get to take the pictures at the church party of Santa and me!!! I'm sooo excited!