Thursday, August 11, 2011

The beast

This is Billy's new truck. It was a pain in the butt to get. To get this truck it was 3-4 hour drive. The first weekend we went up there to look at it to see if it was worth anything. Then the next weekend we drove up there to pay for it and pick it up. Well it took us like 5 hours to get home that night. Our GPS was taking us all these crazy ways and it got to the point where it was like just take me to the interstate. What a pain. But it's a nice truck it needs some small things on it.  It is huge! It has 38 inch wheels and it just a big body on it.  Every since we  have been married he has always wanted an old bronco. This is for him to just drive to and from work seeing that we don't live but like 5 miles away. So it's fun and it sits in front of out house now....