Wednesday, August 15, 2012


So when Billy first started talking about crossfit and what they do I was like no no way are we doing that. After about two months I realized that the "work outs" I was trying to do at home to lose the baby weight was NOT working out for me. So I tryied it. I LOVE it!! Crossfit is so awesome. If your not sure what crossfit its not your typical gym. I go to class everyday at 3:30, in my class we stretch and warm up. Then our trainer tells us what our WOD (work out of the day) is. EX. yesterday our  WOD was 3 rounds for time: 50 wall ball squats, 35 pullups, 20 double unders (jump rope) this was not an easy one for me.

You may look at that WOD and be like yep nope not going, but each work out is scaled down to what you can do with a little push. Cause trust me if you would have told me I was going to put a barbell with weight over my head and do other lifts I would have said your crazy. I have amazed my self in what I have done. It's such a great feeling to say yep I totally back squatted 103 lbs. I work out with a bunch of great people who when they are finished and have called out time they are there cheering me on helping me finish to get my time.

Here are my before and after pictures. 

BEFORE: about two weeks before                          PRESENTLY: this is me 9 months later at 135lbs
 starting crossfit. About 160



After nine months I'm feeling great. Im back down to my pre-pregnacy weight. I still have a way to go before Im back in my normal pants and happy with the way I look. I mean I couldn't me more happier to look the way I do in my after picture but I can be healthier.  This is alot of result in a short time with ALOT of work. The things I did....16 in box jumps, kettle bell swings,  handstand pushups, dead lift, power snatch, pull ups, many things I've never even heard of. It's been fun and I will be continuing this great journey.

Billy has also done realllllllly awesome at the box (what they call the crossfit gym). He has just gotten so strong. Now with him being gone on deployment for 3 months he's getting back into the game of it all but is still doing so awesome. Here are some of the pictures i've manage to get of the two of us.


                                                           Getting done with situps
                  this is how the pull ups are scaled for those who are't there yet. You use a band to stand on.

                                             Not sure what move he's doing it could be a number of them

                                                This is Billy doing a front weighted squat.

                                             this is the weighted  front squat at the bottom position

                                                             back squat

                                                           44lb kettle bell swing

                                                               24 in box jumps

If you want more information on crossfit you can go to or google for the closest crossfit box near you. I highly recommend it to anyone looking for a way to get fit and strong while having a good time. This is for people of ALL ages. We have kids in 6th grade all the way up to 65 years old.  3...2..1..GO!!!