Monday, October 10, 2011

37 weeks...

Im now full term! So she is allowed to come anything now. I had my hospital tour last week. It really made everything so much more real. We got to see the L&D room. Boy was it small. I had Dax at "the" place to have babies in Nashville. This room was so small i don't know how everyone will fit in there. Then we went to the rooms and there where nice. Once again smaller but it's just us this time i really don't think we will have any visitors. We didn't get to see the nursery. This hospital is one of the smaller ones and i've heard alot of good things about this place. So im really excited about being taken care of here.

At 37 weeks i have the car cleaned and her car seat in the car. I also have her bag packed and in the car. I have 4 freezer meals made.  Her room and bassinet are ready for her. I'm more tired than I have been the whole pregnancy but keeping up with Dax isn't helping. Im not sure if she's drop or dropping, im not sure if im having braxton hicks.  I just hope that things start happening soon so i can feel better about going in  to labor. Cause im scared im not going to......She's still moving a ton! I for real felt her foot the other night. She pushed it so hard in to my hand.  Her family is just here wait now.


Kristal B. said...

She'll be here before you know it. I was in your shoes just a few weeks ago. I'm excited to see pictures of your beautiful little girl. Good luck with everything.