Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Still pregnant!

This week I am not 39 weeks pregnant with Vera and for right now she had no intention on coming out soon. My due date is next Wednesday, I have a dr appt the day after. So next week if she is not here he wants to talk about being induced. Well I'm not sure how i feel about the situation. I was induced with Dax and well ended up in a c section for failure to progress. It's looking like a repeat right now. He said we will talk about ways he can induce with out drugs so i'll listen to that first. I have read things here and there about being induced with pitocin and still being able to have a VBAC. But I've also heard that pitocin and a c section scare are not good friends. So I'm a bit torn at this. In a way it kinda makes me sad cause this is what my body was made to do. This is a women's calling and well my body just doesn't want to deliver. With Dax i got to walk in to the hospital feeling fine and get in a bed and be pumped full of drugs only for 12 hours later to be in the OR. I was so happy to finally hear that sweet baby cry but it wasn't my dream birth. At that time it was the safest and if that's what we needed then i'm willing, but i did leave disappointed.

This time around i want to go in to labor and i want to labor at home for a time and walk around and get to push her out only to have my sweet girl laid on my chest. Once again I will do what I have to, to make sure everyone is safe and healthy. So lets hope she comes in the next week!

Baby girl Vera,
Everyone wants you here and it's now ok to come at any time. Your strong and your healthy. Your big brother can't wait to play with you your daddy wants to kiss on you and mommy just wants to hold you in her arms.  Your going to fit right in and be showered with love and kisses.  Good things are here waiting for you........(still waiting)

love  your mommy!

This is me at 39 weeks and tired as all get out for not having a good night. On my way to the dr.


Anonymous said...

oh mamma! baby girl you need to come out!! she is going to be sooo loved! :)