This is my birth story on how Vera came into out family. This is something special and dear to me. I'll warn you now that there might be TMI in this post so just a heads up. With having a VBAC I want to share my story and how it all went down.
October 31
Last after each time I had to get up and pee I would jump back in bed like every other night. But this night every time I got back in bed I felt a little gush. In the early morning right before Billy got up for work I started having cramps come in and out. They were little but not like able. So I felt that I should get the fluid check to make sure my water bag wasn't leaking. As we were getting ready to go Billy called and asked if we could bring him his work out bag he forgot. So on to base we went and the whole way there I was still getting these cramps. We get to his work and he was on his way out to go to lunch. Well just our luck his truck wouldn't start. Being in the state i was we really needed his truck to work. So it took a few hours to go to the auto store come back and fix the truck and it still not work. In the mean time I'm timing these things. Most the time they came in twos and were 8 mins apart then a space of 10-15 then two more.
So we decided to leave the truck there. But on our way out Billy's friends pulled in and offered to fix it for us so we could go to the hospital. I dropped Dax off at a friend house and off we went. We got to the hospital at 1:30. When the dr came in and checked me i was a 2. Just to hear that was music. That meant my body was going into labor on its own something I didn't do with Dax. So we walked for a while and they brought me dinner and nothing was happening so we left. I was kinda sad we weren't having a Halloween baby. I was also sad cause I missed out on Halloween with Dax. But i know he had fun with his friends. He was bumble bee from transformers this year.
We picked him up and at this point I'm still having small gushes. He never really told me what it was only what it could be. So we go home and put Dax to bed. I get in the warm tub cause the contractions were going into my back. Once I got board I got out. As soon as i got out of the tub they were stronger. I came and sat on a puddle pad on the couch while Billy and I watched a movie. I thought maybe I could just sleep on the couch. I started getting really bad contractions. I wasnt' going to time them till tomorrow seeing that most people labor for a few days. Billy was the one who started timing them. Yeah for like 30 mins they were 2 mins apart and intense. Then all of a sudden I sat there to make sure. Yes it was my water broke for real it was about 10 pm. I told Billy and it was on. He got Dax in the car. No pants no shoes... Called two people, got me a towel and we left. I didn't care these things were hurting I got in the car no pants no shoes as well. The lady who was watching Dax for us was meeting us at the hospital. The GPS took us somewhere crazy before we got to the hospital. Not cool. So he dropped me off at the emergency room entrance. i had my towel wrapped around me. The door guy took me up stairs. As we went into the L&D area the same nurses were there and in tears i said im back. This time they knew it was for real.
So i got in the bed and Billy and Dax came in. Dax was only in there for a min so that was good I didn't want him to see me in pain. He gave me a kiss and said mamas don't cry. When he left i remember him not wanting to leave me. But as soon as he saw his friend's mom he was totally fine. Kids , candy, toys...yeah he's good. So we got ready and answered all the same dumb questions from before. We got there close to 11pm when things got started. The pain was so much i really haven't had to deal with this kind of thing before. Well that ended up with me throwing up everything. It took a while to get the epidural, so in that time I had to deal with the contractions. This is where I thought of my friends who do hypnobirthing. I can really see where it can help with birth. The nurses were talking to me and trying to get me to relax and just go with it. I was able to handle the contractions a bit better. Then I told Billy to leave and I got my shot.
We were able to be there all night and rest while my body labored. I was so happy this was all happening but it was so fast. I really didn't think things could progress this quickly. So there i laid for a while.
November 1st
I woke up and things were still going great. I was still going on my own. This is where I met the two drs that would be here with me. They were both from the hospital on base and both went to UT. So that made Billy happy. The guy dr is a resident here at fort Gordon. So later in the after noon I was able to get to a 6 all by my self!!!! With Dax I had drugs induce me and take me to an 8. So seeing that I wanted a VBAC they started off low with 1mg. I think in total they went to 3mg at the most. In asking most people being induced get like 20mg so i pretty much was still doing this on my own. Even with the epidural i started feeling alot of pressure down there. Then more and more so they gave me a stronger dose of epidural. Let me tell you from the back down i felt nothing!!! I mean i was so worthless in the legs it was funny. So i got all the way to a 10 and we let it be for a while then the pushing would start.
Even thou i had an epidural and i couldn't feel anything my body was still working hard trying to get baby in the right spot. I am soo tired at this point. So we started pushing and this was about what I thought things were going to be like. Billy got to help and hold one leg while the nurse had the other. We were just moving her down. My epidural at this point is now wearing off. I ended up using the whole bag! So we keep at it and then the call is made and everyone comes in and gets dressed. I really don't know what was going on or who was in there cause I had my eyes closed the whole time. Im not one for blood and needles and stuff but I knew Billy was right there by my side and that's all I needed to know. I have seen the baby story on TLC I have read everything I could to get ready for this, and it just seemed so different from all that. Funny thing was, it hurt more when I wasn't pushing. But my goodness I for real could have fallen asleep I was so tired. I was really surprised but Billy watched the whole thing! He later informed me of things I didn't realized but her head started to come and they saw her hair and you could tell that Billy was getting excited. It was so sweet that Billy getting excited. Once her head came and then her shoulders I heard her cry. It was just so amazing to know that I just did that. Really i just did that. I always underestimate what things I can accomplish and this was one of them I really didn't think this was something I could do but there she was crying and getting cleaned off. I didn't know what to expect when she came out (bloody or white stuff) so I told them clean her up and then we will visit. So now that she was out and the other stuff was out they were just cleaning up. I layed there while they did their thing and just cried. Cried cause what I did just hurt and what they were doing hurt and the fact I just had a baby and she had the sweetest cry and it was all over. So many things going threw my head in the end I was just to happy. At this point I just wanted people to stop touching me and get me a juice. For being my first birth I was told I did great and I did not tear but instead got side lacerations. So I did have to have a few stitches. That was not a great feeling but what choice did i have.
Everything was looking good. They got everything cleaned up and I told Billy to go look at her. You could tell he was already so in love with her. So much so that he wouldn't come closer to me to let me see....haha he came closer and I got to see her. She is he most perfect thing every. She is so beautiful and I couldn't have been more happy. I had to stay in this room for a few more hours and in that time we got to know our little one. I was so happy that I did not have to have a c section. I was able to get up and walk around just two hours after having her. I didn't have to have a catheter most the time and I was able to have a full hot meal for dinner, where as last time i was on a liquid diet for a while.
Billy left and got Dax closer to 4pm. He brought him to see us. The kid came in the room asking where his baby sister is. He saw me holding her and was like mamas give her back that's my baby sisters. He already knew who she was and like us was already in love with her. It just melted my heart. so he got to kiss her and love on her. This was the next big challenge. Going home with out mama. He did well only cause Vera got him a new toy. But off went the boys and there I was with my new daughter in my arms.
This hospital is a bit different than what i'm use to. It's real small and they don't really have a nursery. So they do everything in your room. If I had known what they were doing i would have gotten more pictures. But there she was getting her first bath and loving it! So around 8pm I was able to go to my room. It was nice and i was able to get some rest.
November 2
We knew she was coming and we knew where we would be but we also knew that it wasn't in the cards for friends or family to be here with us. So it was strange this time not having anyone come to the hospital to see us but at the same time i feel like from that bed i was sooo busy. So this is the time for recovery. I must say that i can not believe how much better i felt and feel that i did last time. Im able to do so much and worry less on my cut. I do have those nasty stitches that are not in the greatest of places but no complaints here just need some time to heal.
By this after noon the boys showed up and they did so at just the right time. The photographer came in to my room to take pictures. Yeah another strange thing. She took them with my bed sheets on my bed. They weren't the greatest but they were cute. She wanted way to much for them so we might buy one later. Dax got to lay down with Vera in one of them and boy that kid couldn't have been happier to be touching her. He got a button with that picture on it, so cute. But to see Billy holding her and talking with Dax it was just like wow now there is 4 of us. Its just crazy. So i got to go home the next day.
I'm healing great, feeling good (all except the stitches) . Just happy. I love the family that I have and cant' wait to see what's in store. The next step with all this is settling down. We are still trying to find that happy medium. Dax is having a bit of a hard time with the new baby but he's just a 3 year old boy with lots of energy. He can't help it. But being home for two hours ands he rips his bed sheets in half?!!! What is that about and how. So me and Billy have alot of work to do on that. Other wise feeding are going great. Im so glad that I am going to be able to nurse my baby. All in all this was a great experience. Im glad not to be pregnant any more and more happy to have this girl in my arms now.
I do have to note that threw this pregnancy and these last two weeks Billy has just been such a huge help with everything. He was so in tuned with me and what was going on the whole time. I do think things would have gone as smoothly with out him. He was by my side the whole time. He knew Dax was my first priority and was on the ball with him. Made sure the sitters had him and he was good, took him to McDonlads and bought him a movie! I called one night and they were still up at He held my hand the whole time and talked to me the whole time. He told me how proud he was of me over and over and he couldn't believe I did what I did. And that was the best to hear him say. I love him so much and he's so great.
These are my thoughts on my VBAC:
Thank you so much for sharing this. You are such a champ! I am terrified for baby #2 because I SO badly want a VBAC and fear so much that I'll end up with another c-section. Your story gives me hope. I'm so glad you were able to do it and didn't have any real complications. I've been researching VBAC's just because I want to know all the pros and cons and it seems like so many complications can happen. I'm so glad you were able to have that accomplishment and feel like a "real woman"! I know exactly what you mean by that. I almost feel like I took the easy way out because I didn't get to push a child out of my body. Silly, I know, but I just want that sense of accomplishment. I'm so happy you did it!!!
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