Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Mormorial day weekend

So this weekend was so great. I did so much laundry and cleaned every thing with my extra day off. We went swimming and went to the mall. I also got crafty. I found a link and I made a shrug out of an old t shirt. Well it's really cute i just need to find a different ribbon for it then I can post pictures. I also made this purple satin bow tie for my friends two year old who is going to be in a wedding this June. I had to have Dax try it on for me. But he just woke up and all his pictures his eyes were closed.

P.S. I found out that my neighbor is having a GIRL!!! That means I'm going to be spending a lot of my extra money on fabric and ribbons....If you have any links of website for little girl crafts (hair bows, dresses, room decor, etc...) let me know!!