Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Ebay is going to be the death of me

I am so addicted to ebay right now. Im not sure why or where this came out of but i love ebay. This is what my summary says....

But since Billy doesn't read my blog i can show you what i've gotten lately...For Billy's birthday thats coming up soon. ( i didn't want him to think i forgot it seeing that Dax's bday is in the same month) Im taking off work the day before to spend the day with him and give his this stuff....

This is a 120g ipod.

This is the stuff i got for Dax his cake pan for his b day and the mobile that goes with his bed set....here's the thing with that....i got two of them. Ebay does that to you sometimes...so i have one up for grab if anyone is intrested.....

And then you have my ipod thats so awesome!!!

I also have my bumpits coming in soon!!! :)

Once again ebay has me hooked!!