Lately it seems like things are falling apart. Family doesn't mean what it use to it feels like. I see young families and older families and so badly i wish for what they have, but I know it not easy work to have what they have. But at the same time this is my family and I'm happy with that cause I love them. There have been many changes to our extended family and it's hard to watch and be apart of. It's hard cause we, me and Billy, now don't really have a family to look up to to strive to be like, only what not to do. Broken families should be no big deal for me. I've deal with it all my life. I think that is so that I can help others threw their hard times and its been really hard with my mother in laws devoice. So I'm glad I have these experiences to help him. But at the same time I feel forgotten about. And in a time of need.
Why is it that friends seem to be more like family at times. At my last job I had a small group of friends that pretty much knew everything about what ever was going on. They were there for me to give me advise, to listen, to tell jokes, to be there for me when i needed it the most as well I was there for them. We may have had moments where things were said we didn't want to hear but needed to hear. When it came time for gifts they were some of the most thoughtful. I miss my group of friends but am in the market for new ones.
Over all I have stepped backed and will only be focusing on my family the four of us. They need me and I think if we can stay a strong that things will work out for the best. I really hope that we can be an example for my sister. She's seen and delt with alot and even thou she's miles away i hope i can still be a good sister for her.
Sunday, December 11, 2011
What does FAMILY mean to you....
Posted by Billy and Stephanie at 8:14 AM 0 comments
Posted by Billy and Stephanie at 7:59 AM 0 comments
Monday, November 7, 2011
Day 6
Vera is now 6 days old. Coming home has been interesting. First you have Dax. I have been worried about him and these moments. I think he's doing well. The first day we were home two hours and I don't know what came over him but he ripped his bed sheets in half. Yes he is 3 and no his daddy isn't the hulk. So that was out of the blue. I have been trying to make special effort to included him on things and to not hide out in rooms and send him away. When she is sleeping i try to play with him or read books. The first day or so I told him i could play pirates cause i was doing something. He put his head down and dropped what was in his hands and walk away. A little dramatic but it broke my heart so we played. He's been really good with baby sister and really likes having her around. So with the help of Billy we are trying to be better about that. Its just hard when the build up to this was going to the park every day and going to story time. So it's been crazy having all of us locked up, but it's also getting colder out side and it's just not happening.
Billy has just been a huge help around the house it's just awesome. He's looking out for me and helping get things done. He gets to stay home with me for 14 days. So he'll have to drive me places when we need to go. Like Vera's dr appt she had and we are getting pictures made this week! He's such a great husband. He has fallen in love with his daughter and can't get enough. He can just watch her sleep. He's so glad that things have gone the way i want he knows its all important to me.
I have been healing great I am able to do most things for my self. I do take it easy cause I still get a bit swollen in my feet and just tired but it's really been great. Compared to last time when I really couldn't do anything didn't want to eat or drink anything, I had so much extra weight on me I just wasn't in a great state. This time has been great I'm still sore down there and will be for a while, my stitches are sore but otherwise I'm always hungry and losing pounds by the day. So far I have lost 15 pounds and it's been 6 days. Breast feeding has also been something new to me. I tried with Dax and it just wasn't happening. Towards the end of my leave I found a nipple shield. With out this I would not be able to nurse. Its the only way either of them will take. But seeing that I was going back to work in two week I stopped pumping and started formula. Seeing that I get to stay home with the kids this time I plan on nursing for a while. Its been hard she's had her good days and we've had our bad. Staying up all night has been crazy hard running on 2-4 hours of sleep every night to wake up and do it again. Im not napper I just can't. So time is all we need.
Vera is doing great she's eating alot so I'm hoping by the time her next appt comes she's back to birth weight at least. I love to just watch her I mean she sleeps alot but she's so darn cute. Dax loves it when she looks at him he loves to look at her eyes. With my help I let Dax "hold" her and she just looked up and stared at him. You can tell they are going to get along well.
Juliet the dog. What can I say she's crazy. She didn't really care much while I was pregnant, but I think too we scared her a bit when we left in a hurry but now that we are home she wants to be so motherly to her. When every she cries or starts moving she's there by her side. The first night we were home I was asleep getting ready to wake up and feed her soon. Vera in her bed next to me, Billy on the bed on the computer. All of a sudden Juliet tries to get in the bassinet. Billy goes to check it out and Vera is choking. Neither of us heard her so now we more alert.
Posted by Billy and Stephanie at 8:01 AM 0 comments
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Vera's birth story....
This is my birth story on how Vera came into out family. This is something special and dear to me. I'll warn you now that there might be TMI in this post so just a heads up. With having a VBAC I want to share my story and how it all went down.
October 31
Last after each time I had to get up and pee I would jump back in bed like every other night. But this night every time I got back in bed I felt a little gush. In the early morning right before Billy got up for work I started having cramps come in and out. They were little but not like able. So I felt that I should get the fluid check to make sure my water bag wasn't leaking. As we were getting ready to go Billy called and asked if we could bring him his work out bag he forgot. So on to base we went and the whole way there I was still getting these cramps. We get to his work and he was on his way out to go to lunch. Well just our luck his truck wouldn't start. Being in the state i was we really needed his truck to work. So it took a few hours to go to the auto store come back and fix the truck and it still not work. In the mean time I'm timing these things. Most the time they came in twos and were 8 mins apart then a space of 10-15 then two more.
So we decided to leave the truck there. But on our way out Billy's friends pulled in and offered to fix it for us so we could go to the hospital. I dropped Dax off at a friend house and off we went. We got to the hospital at 1:30. When the dr came in and checked me i was a 2. Just to hear that was music. That meant my body was going into labor on its own something I didn't do with Dax. So we walked for a while and they brought me dinner and nothing was happening so we left. I was kinda sad we weren't having a Halloween baby. I was also sad cause I missed out on Halloween with Dax. But i know he had fun with his friends. He was bumble bee from transformers this year.
We picked him up and at this point I'm still having small gushes. He never really told me what it was only what it could be. So we go home and put Dax to bed. I get in the warm tub cause the contractions were going into my back. Once I got board I got out. As soon as i got out of the tub they were stronger. I came and sat on a puddle pad on the couch while Billy and I watched a movie. I thought maybe I could just sleep on the couch. I started getting really bad contractions. I wasnt' going to time them till tomorrow seeing that most people labor for a few days. Billy was the one who started timing them. Yeah for like 30 mins they were 2 mins apart and intense. Then all of a sudden I sat there to make sure. Yes it was my water broke for real it was about 10 pm. I told Billy and it was on. He got Dax in the car. No pants no shoes... Called two people, got me a towel and we left. I didn't care these things were hurting I got in the car no pants no shoes as well. The lady who was watching Dax for us was meeting us at the hospital. The GPS took us somewhere crazy before we got to the hospital. Not cool. So he dropped me off at the emergency room entrance. i had my towel wrapped around me. The door guy took me up stairs. As we went into the L&D area the same nurses were there and in tears i said im back. This time they knew it was for real.
So i got in the bed and Billy and Dax came in. Dax was only in there for a min so that was good I didn't want him to see me in pain. He gave me a kiss and said mamas don't cry. When he left i remember him not wanting to leave me. But as soon as he saw his friend's mom he was totally fine. Kids , candy, toys...yeah he's good. So we got ready and answered all the same dumb questions from before. We got there close to 11pm when things got started. The pain was so much i really haven't had to deal with this kind of thing before. Well that ended up with me throwing up everything. It took a while to get the epidural, so in that time I had to deal with the contractions. This is where I thought of my friends who do hypnobirthing. I can really see where it can help with birth. The nurses were talking to me and trying to get me to relax and just go with it. I was able to handle the contractions a bit better. Then I told Billy to leave and I got my shot.
We were able to be there all night and rest while my body labored. I was so happy this was all happening but it was so fast. I really didn't think things could progress this quickly. So there i laid for a while.
November 1st
I woke up and things were still going great. I was still going on my own. This is where I met the two drs that would be here with me. They were both from the hospital on base and both went to UT. So that made Billy happy. The guy dr is a resident here at fort Gordon. So later in the after noon I was able to get to a 6 all by my self!!!! With Dax I had drugs induce me and take me to an 8. So seeing that I wanted a VBAC they started off low with 1mg. I think in total they went to 3mg at the most. In asking most people being induced get like 20mg so i pretty much was still doing this on my own. Even with the epidural i started feeling alot of pressure down there. Then more and more so they gave me a stronger dose of epidural. Let me tell you from the back down i felt nothing!!! I mean i was so worthless in the legs it was funny. So i got all the way to a 10 and we let it be for a while then the pushing would start.
Even thou i had an epidural and i couldn't feel anything my body was still working hard trying to get baby in the right spot. I am soo tired at this point. So we started pushing and this was about what I thought things were going to be like. Billy got to help and hold one leg while the nurse had the other. We were just moving her down. My epidural at this point is now wearing off. I ended up using the whole bag! So we keep at it and then the call is made and everyone comes in and gets dressed. I really don't know what was going on or who was in there cause I had my eyes closed the whole time. Im not one for blood and needles and stuff but I knew Billy was right there by my side and that's all I needed to know. I have seen the baby story on TLC I have read everything I could to get ready for this, and it just seemed so different from all that. Funny thing was, it hurt more when I wasn't pushing. But my goodness I for real could have fallen asleep I was so tired. I was really surprised but Billy watched the whole thing! He later informed me of things I didn't realized but her head started to come and they saw her hair and you could tell that Billy was getting excited. It was so sweet that Billy getting excited. Once her head came and then her shoulders I heard her cry. It was just so amazing to know that I just did that. Really i just did that. I always underestimate what things I can accomplish and this was one of them I really didn't think this was something I could do but there she was crying and getting cleaned off. I didn't know what to expect when she came out (bloody or white stuff) so I told them clean her up and then we will visit. So now that she was out and the other stuff was out they were just cleaning up. I layed there while they did their thing and just cried. Cried cause what I did just hurt and what they were doing hurt and the fact I just had a baby and she had the sweetest cry and it was all over. So many things going threw my head in the end I was just to happy. At this point I just wanted people to stop touching me and get me a juice. For being my first birth I was told I did great and I did not tear but instead got side lacerations. So I did have to have a few stitches. That was not a great feeling but what choice did i have.
Everything was looking good. They got everything cleaned up and I told Billy to go look at her. You could tell he was already so in love with her. So much so that he wouldn't come closer to me to let me see....haha he came closer and I got to see her. She is he most perfect thing every. She is so beautiful and I couldn't have been more happy. I had to stay in this room for a few more hours and in that time we got to know our little one. I was so happy that I did not have to have a c section. I was able to get up and walk around just two hours after having her. I didn't have to have a catheter most the time and I was able to have a full hot meal for dinner, where as last time i was on a liquid diet for a while.
Billy left and got Dax closer to 4pm. He brought him to see us. The kid came in the room asking where his baby sister is. He saw me holding her and was like mamas give her back that's my baby sisters. He already knew who she was and like us was already in love with her. It just melted my heart. so he got to kiss her and love on her. This was the next big challenge. Going home with out mama. He did well only cause Vera got him a new toy. But off went the boys and there I was with my new daughter in my arms.
This hospital is a bit different than what i'm use to. It's real small and they don't really have a nursery. So they do everything in your room. If I had known what they were doing i would have gotten more pictures. But there she was getting her first bath and loving it! So around 8pm I was able to go to my room. It was nice and i was able to get some rest.
November 2
We knew she was coming and we knew where we would be but we also knew that it wasn't in the cards for friends or family to be here with us. So it was strange this time not having anyone come to the hospital to see us but at the same time i feel like from that bed i was sooo busy. So this is the time for recovery. I must say that i can not believe how much better i felt and feel that i did last time. Im able to do so much and worry less on my cut. I do have those nasty stitches that are not in the greatest of places but no complaints here just need some time to heal.
By this after noon the boys showed up and they did so at just the right time. The photographer came in to my room to take pictures. Yeah another strange thing. She took them with my bed sheets on my bed. They weren't the greatest but they were cute. She wanted way to much for them so we might buy one later. Dax got to lay down with Vera in one of them and boy that kid couldn't have been happier to be touching her. He got a button with that picture on it, so cute. But to see Billy holding her and talking with Dax it was just like wow now there is 4 of us. Its just crazy. So i got to go home the next day.
I'm healing great, feeling good (all except the stitches) . Just happy. I love the family that I have and cant' wait to see what's in store. The next step with all this is settling down. We are still trying to find that happy medium. Dax is having a bit of a hard time with the new baby but he's just a 3 year old boy with lots of energy. He can't help it. But being home for two hours ands he rips his bed sheets in half?!!! What is that about and how. So me and Billy have alot of work to do on that. Other wise feeding are going great. Im so glad that I am going to be able to nurse my baby. All in all this was a great experience. Im glad not to be pregnant any more and more happy to have this girl in my arms now.
I do have to note that threw this pregnancy and these last two weeks Billy has just been such a huge help with everything. He was so in tuned with me and what was going on the whole time. I do think things would have gone as smoothly with out him. He was by my side the whole time. He knew Dax was my first priority and was on the ball with him. Made sure the sitters had him and he was good, took him to McDonlads and bought him a movie! I called one night and they were still up at He held my hand the whole time and talked to me the whole time. He told me how proud he was of me over and over and he couldn't believe I did what I did. And that was the best to hear him say. I love him so much and he's so great.
These are my thoughts on my VBAC:
Posted by Billy and Stephanie at 5:36 PM 1 comments
Labels: birth, daughter, fort gordon, hospital, pregnancy, son, trinity hospital, VBAC
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Still pregnant!
This week I am not 39 weeks pregnant with Vera and for right now she had no intention on coming out soon. My due date is next Wednesday, I have a dr appt the day after. So next week if she is not here he wants to talk about being induced. Well I'm not sure how i feel about the situation. I was induced with Dax and well ended up in a c section for failure to progress. It's looking like a repeat right now. He said we will talk about ways he can induce with out drugs so i'll listen to that first. I have read things here and there about being induced with pitocin and still being able to have a VBAC. But I've also heard that pitocin and a c section scare are not good friends. So I'm a bit torn at this. In a way it kinda makes me sad cause this is what my body was made to do. This is a women's calling and well my body just doesn't want to deliver. With Dax i got to walk in to the hospital feeling fine and get in a bed and be pumped full of drugs only for 12 hours later to be in the OR. I was so happy to finally hear that sweet baby cry but it wasn't my dream birth. At that time it was the safest and if that's what we needed then i'm willing, but i did leave disappointed.
This time around i want to go in to labor and i want to labor at home for a time and walk around and get to push her out only to have my sweet girl laid on my chest. Once again I will do what I have to, to make sure everyone is safe and healthy. So lets hope she comes in the next week!
Baby girl Vera,
Everyone wants you here and it's now ok to come at any time. Your strong and your healthy. Your big brother can't wait to play with you your daddy wants to kiss on you and mommy just wants to hold you in her arms. Your going to fit right in and be showered with love and kisses. Good things are here waiting for you........(still waiting)
love your mommy!
This is me at 39 weeks and tired as all get out for not having a good night. On my way to the dr.
Monday, October 10, 2011
37 weeks...
Im now full term! So she is allowed to come anything now. I had my hospital tour last week. It really made everything so much more real. We got to see the L&D room. Boy was it small. I had Dax at "the" place to have babies in Nashville. This room was so small i don't know how everyone will fit in there. Then we went to the rooms and there where nice. Once again smaller but it's just us this time i really don't think we will have any visitors. We didn't get to see the nursery. This hospital is one of the smaller ones and i've heard alot of good things about this place. So im really excited about being taken care of here.
At 37 weeks i have the car cleaned and her car seat in the car. I also have her bag packed and in the car. I have 4 freezer meals made. Her room and bassinet are ready for her. I'm more tired than I have been the whole pregnancy but keeping up with Dax isn't helping. Im not sure if she's drop or dropping, im not sure if im having braxton hicks. I just hope that things start happening soon so i can feel better about going in to labor. Cause im scared im not going to......She's still moving a ton! I for real felt her foot the other night. She pushed it so hard in to my hand. Her family is just here wait now.
Posted by Billy and Stephanie at 5:47 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
My son Dax....
Posted by Billy and Stephanie at 9:54 AM 1 comments
Monday, August 29, 2011
Twenty five
My birthday was a few days ago. I turned 25 years old! I had been thinking about it for a while. I feel every ounce of 25. I don't see that as a bad thing either. I feel like I am where i should be. I feel like a mother, I feel that after 6 years I'm a good wife, I feel responsible..... I have recently taken on more responsibility with becoming a Navy wife too. Here is a picture getting ready for church. Twenty five years old at 31 weeks pregnant with baby Vera. I feel great!
Posted by Billy and Stephanie at 3:21 PM 3 comments
Friday, August 12, 2011
It's time to start thinking ahead
Well i had my first baby dr appointment today here on base. It's so different from when we were in Pensacola with the Navy. This base is an Army base so things are a bit different. I will see my dr here on Ft. Gordon and then deliver at a different hospital cause they don't delieve babies here. So I talked with the nurse and on Monday i'll talk with my actual dr. But she was very much open to me having a VBAC! So once i talk to the Dr and let her know what is going on and i get my c-section report in i should be able to have one. This makes me so happy I can only hope that my body will go in to labor at a decent time or else it's another c-section for me. But I was just so excited to hear that they do them all the time. When i told my last Dr. in pensacola he really really tried talking me out of it. I don't think it helped that he was a guy so I don't thing he really understood why I wanted this but I still have one more person to talk to about it. But it's a huge possibility!
Posted by Billy and Stephanie at 11:52 AM 1 comments
Thursday, August 11, 2011
The beast
Posted by Billy and Stephanie at 10:00 AM 0 comments
Monday, August 1, 2011
Every day life.....
right not there isn't to much to write about. I'm still unpacking and putting things in it's place. Kinda still stuck at home till we get another car. We need a few shelfs here and there and we need a few dressers and a rug for the living room. But all that fun stuff will come in time. So I just do my thing all day. Me and Dax have fun, and at the end of the day Vera makes known she's there too. Its so funny to sit and watch my belly move. I'll be 27 weeks this week. Just 10 more to be considered full term. It's seems like for ever but then again it doesn't. I feel that i'm so not ready. There are two important things i really need to get for this baby. I was hoping to have a baby shower even just a diaper shower. But not sure how that's going to be done. I could go to Nashville one weekend, but i would think that in the gas/food money we spent i could just use that on diapers. I don't know anyone here and there's a ton of pregnant ladies at church so i don't see anything happening there.....But other wise I'm almost to the tired trimester!!! Just two more weeks! I can't wait to have her here and to have some family come and see me. Until something interesting happens.
Posted by Billy and Stephanie at 7:51 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
News, News, News.....
Its been awhile I do have to say that but its' been so busy.
So update. I'm not in Hawaii. Yeah sad but true. The day before the movers came we got official word that my husband was not of rank to take dependents "overseas". So with all the down sizing we did and the money spend on the dog we were not really happy. So about a month later we got new orders to Augusta Georgia. Not the same but in the big picture most likely better for us. It's closer to home and we aren't sure Billy is going to be here for the birth of the baby. But it's a bit different, it's an army base and not many Navy personal here. I'm still trying to make friends and learn about the area. Its very green and trees everywhere. It takes a good min to get most places and only 8 from our house to base. The base it's self is like 140,000 acres and its huge!!! There's not really alot on base but more than Corry station. So For now we are here and settling in. Oh and we are having a baby in November! And its a GIRL!!!! We couldn't be happyier. I have a lot of sewing projects to finish before she comes. Baby Vera Alta Ledbetter.
Posted by Billy and Stephanie at 7:13 AM 1 comments
Thursday, April 28, 2011
3 years ago
Three years ago my little Dax was born. I'm so blessed to have him in our lifes. He's such a sweet little boy. He's growing so much and learning things everyday. It makes me sad to see him so big but I also love the new things he does. He's in to anything boy right now and its so much fun. To my Dax i love you very much and i can't wait to see what's in store for you later. i know that you are going to be a great big brother!
Posted by Billy and Stephanie at 5:53 PM 1 comments
I feel so alone.
I do I feel so alone. I know most people are a call away or an email. But I've realized I miss my job, I miss my friends I saw every day at work. I had people stop my my cubical just to talk or see what i was wearing that day or what not. I miss talking to people all day. I also miss getting all dressed up and wearing heals and doing my hair. I miss i think the most is that feeling that I'm a part of something and people depended on me for things. I liked feeling needed. I liked having people to talk to.
Now I am a stay at home mom. I always thought that would be cool, it was something I had wanted. I felt bad having to go back to work and not be there for my baby. But now that I have that I just don't know what to do. I know in the last 6 months I've really sucked at it. I've tried things. I even got a bike and a trailer for Dax. But it's too hot in the day and I just can't ride the bike like i use to. I know he depends on me and needs me but it's not the same. I talk to a 3 year old most all day. It would be nice to talk to someone or hang out. I'm learning that this is something I will have to learn to deal with. My one friend that i really connected with here moved. She is also a Navy wife. Our ward out here is small and full of order people. I can't wait to get to our next command. We should be there for a few years and I plan on making tons of friends. There is a BYU in the area so I'm hoping to make some good friends.
I'm just feeling a little alone for the moment. I hardly see Billy and when he's home he's doing things. I have a 3 year old all day and no friends. Its hard for me to get a job cause of Billy's schedule and our now one car. I'm hoping things look up soon. But for the record, Tennessee lottery I miss you and all your great employees. It was a great almost 4 years!
Posted by Billy and Stephanie at 5:51 PM 2 comments
At last!
An update on where I have been. Its been a crazy few months down in FL. It hasn't been the best. Our house sucks, I'm now a stay at home mom who has no idea what she's doing, and Billy's sechedual keeps changing. Our house has window units that don't work as well as cental air. It's so hot down here now and not to talk about humid. My family came down here to visit us for 3 weeks and that was hard. But nice to see them. Dax is now potty trained. He did so well with it I;m really happy how it all turned out. He's getting so big. Also in big news, I'm pregnant! We are so excited. We were tring on this one and what would you know it happened the first time we tried. Within the first month my test said yes. We can't wait for our baby to be here in November. Well most likely in October. I am having another C-section so i pray it goes better than last time. Billy got his orders so we are waiting for his hard copies. We are almost out of this dumpy place and i am so happy. Not much has really been going on. We have just been the 3 of us mostly. Cleaning house, going to the park, watching movies....I have been cooking more so that's always good. Well i do plan on updating more often now that we got the computer fixed and internet working well. You know with all our changes going on.
Posted by Billy and Stephanie at 5:40 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
I'm Back!!!
What a crazy few months. To bring you up to speed:
*moved to Pensacola
*cooked my first thanksgiving and had 3 sailors over
*went back to nashville for christmas
*Dax broke the camera and the computer
*officially a stay at home mom
*Billy graduated A school
* Billy started his next school today
*planted flowers
*Got a bike
*consignment sale
*opened etsy store
*potty training
*girls nights out
It's been a change the last three months nothing has been the same. I think we are really settling in. The weather is finally getting warmer and the family is coming down soon. We are one step closer to moving. Hopfully in the next two weeks we will be getting good news! I'm back and ready to keep you all updated on things...
Posted by Billy and Stephanie at 6:24 AM 0 comments